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June 2022


Efil Journal (Volume 5, Issue 2)

The Green Energy Transition and Energy Security in Mexico, 1980–2016: Expansion and Intensification of Extractivism – Alicia Puyana Mutis, Isabel Rodríguez Peña Old and New Developmentalism in Latin America:...

Articles, Q- Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics, R- Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics

Çevre Sorunlarına “Ekolojik Ekonomi” Açısından Yaklaşım – Ahmet Şahinöz

Öz Küresel ısınma başta olmak üzere, biyoçeşitliliğin azalması, doğal kaynakların tükenme tehlikesiyle karşı karşıya kalması ve çevre kirliliği gibi çevre sorunları artık tüm dünyanın ortak sorunu haline gelmiştir. Çevre...

Articles, B- History of Economic Thought, Methodology, and Heterodox Approaches, O- Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth

Asya Tipi Dijitalleşme Tarzı: Doğu Nasıl Zengin Oldu? – Altuğ Yalçıntaş

Öz Bu çalışmada, bugüne kadar “azgelişmiş” ve “durağan” olarak adlandırılan ekonomilerin iktisadi başarısının genellenmiş ve güncellenmiş bir Asya tipi üretim tarzı kuramı (G-ATÜT) aracılığıyla yeniden incelenmesi gerektiğini öne sürüyorum....

Articles, H- Public Economics, O- Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth, Z- Other Special Topics

Old and New Developmentalism in Latin America: Social Order, Social Policy, and Utopias Fifty Years Later – Nicolás Dvoskin

Abstract 1960s’ and 1970s’ Latin American development policies were guided by economic purposes, but there were strong utopias beneath them: a full-employment economy with social protection and accelerated technological...

Articles, P- Economic Systems, Q- Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics

The Green Energy Transition and Energy Security in Mexico, 1980–2016 Expansion and Intensification of Extractivism – Alicia Puyana Mutis, Isabel Rodríguez Peña

Abstract This essay shows the difficulties and contradictory processes to achieve energy security by transiting towards a new and secure energy system with a lower share of fossil fuels...