Abstract This study examines the relationship between student’s in-term employment and probability of having depression symptoms after earthquake in Türkiye on February 6, 2023. Multinomial logit regression model is...
Abstract This study examines the relationship between student’s in-term employment and probability of having depression symptoms after earthquake in Türkiye on February 6, 2023. Multinomial logit regression model is...
Abstract Using robotic systems in production; On the other hand, it causes unemployment by increasing labor productivity, and on the other hand, it causes the disruption of all balances...
Abstract The Turkish female labor force participation rate is very low, even when comparing Turkey to peer countries. Despite the extensive literature on the determinants of the female labor...
Öz Bu yazı temelde siyasal felsefe alanından Hannah Arendt ve Jürgen Habermas ile şehir planlama kökenli felsefeci Richard Sennett’in geliştirdikleri kamu konusunda çöküş, geriye çekiliş söylemine razı olunamayacağı, sessiz...
Abstract The principal aim of the current article is to discuss the relevance of the notion of precariat in the class structure proposed by Guy Standing. The article expects...
Abstract The death of a parent in childhood is one of the most tragic events a child can experience. In this paper, we use three rounds of the Turkey...
Abstract In this paper we investigate the role of socio-economic factors like income, unemployment levels and non economic factors such as religion, identity and culture to explain the reasons...
Abstract Given perfectly competitive labor markets combined with the profit-maximizing behavior of firms, real wages should equal the marginal product of labor (MPL). However, there is ample evidence that...
Abstract: This book edited by Berna Pekesen provides a detailed evaluation of the 1960s in Turkey by the pioneering specialists of each topic from social, political, economic, and cultural...